custom questions

You write the 10 personalized questions yourself or with the group.

Don't panic, we'll explain how to do it. This little effort will add a dose of fun and make the event all the more unique and memorable for your team!

Enjoy your own space

A room or open space is available in most of our centres to extend the fun after the game.You can make use of this space to provide a debrief for your session with participants and revisit your custom questions so the answers sink in.

This could be a moment to calm down a little or to introduce the next part of the programme. You can also choose a playlist or even display a presentation.

Choisissez un traiteur et des boissons

Les centres Quiz Room travaillent, pour beaucoup, en partenariat avec des traiteurs locaux de qualité pour vous proposer une sélection de formules goûters, anniversaires, déjeuners légers de type pic-nic pour ravir les papilles des kids et boissons soft pour tous les budgets, toutes les envies et tous les moments de la journée avec votre groupe d'ados ou d'enfants.

Demandez la brochure traiteurs et boissons lors de votre demande de devis.

Personalize your questions

include up 10 personalized questions that makes up the first two parts of the game.

You can write the 10 personalized questions yourself or with all the teens of the camp group. Don't worry, we'll guide you through the process. This small effort will add an extra dose of fun and make the event even that much more memorable!
Imagine them in the center of attention? Cool, right?!


Write up to 10 customized questions


Log on to your user account and write down the funny
(or not!) answer options


Ever fancy becoming a comedian? Quiz Room
lets you record your the voice-overs!


Surprise your teens on the big day with the voice of their summer camp leader in the game!

you ask a lot of questions

What activity should you organize at summer camp?

At summer camp, children want to spend unforgettable moments having fun. Your objective as a leader is to encourage autonomy and cohesion among the children: with a quiz. At Quiz Room, you can personalize the quiz and create a healthy and motivating competitive atmosphere!
